What does Residency at HBC look like?

Pastoral residency at HBC is designed and intended for men heading towards pastoral ministry, who have either completed or are working towards the completion of a seminary degree, and who are confident of God’s call to serve our Lord and His church in this way.

Over the course of two years, pastoral residents will experience the different seasons of life and ministry in a local church context. What does this look like?

Participating in Sunday services

Praying, reading Scripture, preaching, baptizing and leading Lords’ Supper

Pastoral Staff Meetings

Participating in weekly meetings where godly encouragement and sharpening is given and received.

Reading and reflecting on assigned books

One on one time with pastoral staff & attending elders’ meetings

Learning our local church’s people and culture

Teaching in various settings

(Adult classes, youth groups, small groups, etc)

Shadowing Pastors & Elders

Including visitations, counselling, and wedding/funeral planning with families where appropriate.

Exposure to an elder led congregation

How to prepare & present budgets, receive believers into membership, make decisions, etc.