• What times are your church services?

    We meet every Sunday at 10:00am.

    We also have evening services at 5:00pm. There are no evening services on holiday weekends.

  • Do you have programs for kids?

    Yes! We have programs available for newborns up to Grade 5 during our morning services.

    Programs are available throughout the whole service for newborns up to age 3. Our Preschool, Jr and Sr classes are dismissed after worship to go to their programs.

  • What are your services like?

    Our pastoral team, service leaders, and musicians work together, trusting God and each other, to lead our congregation in worship of God.

    Our services do not have a formalized structure, and may vary in order from week to week. However, you can expect public reading of the Bible, singing and music, prayer, preaching, an offering and fellowship.

    On the first Sunday of each month we observe the Lord’s Supper. On certain Sundays, testimonies and baptisms may also be part of our service.

  • How long do services typically last?

    Our morning services typically last about 90 minutes and evening services typically last about 60 minutes.

  • What should I wear?

    Come as you are! You’ll find diversity here, some people dress more formally and others more casually. Whatever you choose to wear, you won’t stick out :)

  • Is your church accessible?

    We have made sure that our building is accessible for people of all different abilities. We have ramps for wheelchairs and assistive sound headsets for anyone with impaired hearing.