Parental Authority's Ultimate Aim - Exodus 20:12 - Sean Sheeran
Sean Sheeran • Last Sunday
Appraising God's Law - 1 Timothy 1:3-11 - Sean Sheeran
Sean Sheeran • 9/8/2024
Love in Action - Galatians 5:25 - 6:10
Sean Sheeran • 8/25/2024
The Fuel of Freedom in Christ
Sean Sheeran • 8/18/2024
Resisting Threats To Christian Freedom
Sean Sheeran • 8/4/2024
Christ Our Sabbath Rest
Sean Sheeran • 4/21/2024
Represent Rightly
Sean Sheeran • 4/14/2024
True Worship
Sean Sheeran • 4/7/2024
The First Commandment: Exclusive Allegiance
Sean Sheeran • 3/17/2024
The Ten Commandments: The Foreword
Sean Sheeran • 3/10/2024
Drawing Near The Holy One
Sean Sheeran • 3/3/2024
Covenant Relationship; Privileged Status
Sean Sheeran • 2/25/2024
Caleb Hall
Associate Pastor
Boasting in the Cross of Christ - Galatians 6:11-18
Caleb Hall • 9/1/2024
Caleb Hall • 7/28/2024
Christ Formed In Us
Caleb Hall • 7/21/2024
Marveling at the Work of the Triune God - Galatians 4:1-7
Caleb Hall • 7/14/2024
Faith Alone in Christ Alone
Caleb Hall • 6/30/2024
The Truth of the Gospel
Caleb Hall • 6/9/2024
The Gospel is of God!
Caleb Hall • 6/2/2024
Is the Lord Among Us?
Caleb Hall • 1/28/2024
I Need a Lamb
Caleb Hall • 10/22/2023
Judgement and the Glory of God
Caleb Hall • 9/10/2023
Omnipotence and Obstinance
Caleb Hall • 8/20/2023
Knowing God
Caleb Hall • 7/16/2023
Kevin Dau
Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Biblical Counselling
Rejecting the Light Leads to Death in the Darkness
Kevin Dau • 10/1/2023
How God's Promised Blessings Operate and How We Ought to Operate in Light of Them
Kevin Dau • 9/4/2022
The Perverse Plots of People and the Persevering Purposes and Plans of God
Kevin Dau • 6/12/2022
Justification By Faith
Steven Yuille • 6/23/2024
History's Focal Point
• 7/7/2024
A Different "Gospel"
• 5/26/2024
Gospel Basics
• 5/19/2024